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What is a Betty?

Betty is the term used to describe an amazing person who you can depend on. Betty is also a term for "sweet and loving girl." The more you get to know her, the more you love being around her. She has a good sense of humor and has a cute laugh. She's chill yet hard working as well as kind and considerate. Betty lights up the room and lights up my life. She's always happy and cheerful. She's also cuddly, independent and smart. She appreciates the simple things in life and can make anything good out of a bad situation. -Urban Dictionary

Friday, March 30, 2012

Just What the World Needs...Another Blog!

I understand completely.  So why are we doing it?  After a 16 year friendship, I guess we have things to share.  Many common interests drive us to learn more, encourage one another and just have some great fun!!!  May we introduce ourselves?

Dana:  I'll go first.  My name is Dana and I have been married to a really cute banker for 20 years.  Yes, I got married when I was 10...but enough of that.  We have four boys 10, 9, and twins that are 5.  We are a homeschoolin' family...yep that's right,  I homeschool 4 boys.  I might have lost you with that picture so I'll move on for now.  Stacie and I met at Church in 1994 shortly after we were married.  We went through all of those important mile markers together;  marriage, first homes, first babies.  Then we were onto 2nd homes, 2nd babies and thankfully not 2nd marriages!  We have vacationed together countless times, and have talked on the phone nearly every day for the past 16 years.  We took photography classes at a local college together when our kids were babies and started our own businesses taking pictures professionally. Well, life moves fast and now 10 years after those classes and millions of pictures taken we would love to collaborate and share some of the things we do together.  This may include anything from how to raise chickens to the latest trends.  We always have a project going and this will give us an outlet to share our interests and document our times together.  Whether it's building a chicken coop, installing a zip line or shopping for the latest spring fashions...there aren't many dull moments between these two families. And by the way you will never meet a sweeter, more beautiful girl then my friend Stacie...here she is.

Stacie:  Well. thank you D! My name is Stacie and I have been married to the greatest guy for nearly 18 years.  He keeps me laughing and has me on my toes with the many projects he has going around our home.  He is currently remodeling our master bath, and he amazes me with the things he can do.  Many of which I plan to highlight here on the blog.  Together we have 3 children.  Our oldest daughter is 13, our son is 11 and our youngest daughter is 8.  I DO NOT homeschool.  I tried telling Dana there are no medals for that kind of thing but she keeps doing it;)  I'm kidding...she loves teaching her boys and I think it's great.  Dana and I do share a passion for photography and our kids have been put through more pictures than we can count over the years.  Thankfully they have all built amazing friendships in-between the photos we take.  We have even talked about arranging a marriage between her son and my daughter.  Just end up together...please?  I love interior design, organization, fashion and being the best mom and wife I can be. Dana and I have really had one of the best long-running friendships a girl could ask for.   We live just 4 miles away from each other and have so much in common. Including living on an acre and all that goes into maintaining it.  Thanks for stopping by.  This should be fun.  By the way, what is a Betty?